
My Bill Buddy App

Operators keen on their customers being informed of better fitting plans to their customers. Handset companies are keen on next innovation through “Better plan Suggestions” on handset.


Newtel offers a client server solution where handset application tracks the mobile usage of the customer. On the click on an icon the NewTel server provides the best fitting plans in a few seconds that on handset display.


  • User can do Client setting for the period of call pattern analysis.
  • Query can be sent over SMS or data link
  • Provide better plans and savings amount recommendations from all available plan+pack combinations for the subscriber's usage


Provides a high quality retention channel that helps retain profitable & high ARPU subscribers with greater customer lifetime value

Reduces costs of customer retention via a highly efficient and proven bestfit solution

Eliminates subscriber churn using proactive retention strategies - thereby protecting subscriber base and strengthening brand perception

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